Asahi Ippon Manzoku Bar Cereal Black 80% Less Sugar

アサヒ 1本満足バー シリアルブラック糖類80%オフ

Front view of product:  Asahi Ippon Manzoku Bar Cereal Black 80% Less Sugar
No Known Animal Ingredients

The Asahi Ippon Manzoku Bar Cereal Black 80% Less Sugar chocolate bar has been fortified with some vitamins, including B12. It can be found in many convenience stores (as well as some drugstores).

The company previously stated that it contains no animal ingredients. However, it may have cross-contamination from milk being processed in the same factory or on the same line, so in this case, the warning on the package that makes it look as if dairy is an ingredient only means that particles may be present from cross-contamination.

Note: In October 2020, the company switched from a system where allergens were listed at the end of the ingredient list to one where allergens were listed after the raw material they were contained in. However, it’s reported that the company’s customer service stated at that time that this still only means cross-contamination from dairy, and dairy is still not included as an actual ingredient.

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Last updated: 11/21/2024